An Overview
How does a responsible, caring breeder work to provide loving families with great puppies and at the same time give the breeding parent dogs a great life? Our answer is to allow some of our breeding dogs to leave us and become part of another family’s life and home. If it is one of our mothers, they come back here to be bred, then come back again for a little over 8 weeks to have their puppies. Would you like to foster a dog?
In this program, our mothers (and occasionally our sires) get the best of both worlds. The opportunity to be a companion and the happiness of a family as they settle into their forever home. They are raised, trained, socialized, loved, and cared for. What could be better?
Our fostering program is designed to maximize the socialization of our dogs. I want them all to be raised in a loving home envionment. We get peace of mind knowing our mothers are well taken care of by those who love dogs as much as we do. This breeding/parent dog lives in their forever home, grows up, is trained, is well socialized, loved and cared for and is part of the family. The person/family incurs only minimal monetary cost during the years of fostering. We pay for half the cost of food, which will include at least a partial raw food supplement. We also pay for all approved vet bills, (after review and consultation with Vet) vitamins, grooming services, usually about every 5-6 weels, and more. What could be better?
Often called a foster or “Guardian Home” program, this plan is used by reputable breeders throughout the US.
How does it work?
- The breeding female lives with her adoptive family returning to us when she’s “in season,” and stays with us for 7 – 12 days while she’s in heat.
- Once she is bred, she is returned to her adoptive family to care for her and ensure she stays healthy and avoid any complications.
- When she’s ready to deliver (whelp), she returns to us, usually about a week before her due date, and remains with us until her puppies are weaned. About 7- 8 weeks.
- After her puppies are weaned, mama returns home to the loving arms of her adoptive guardian family.
We work with our Guardian Homes using a simple contract. We provide support and guidance all along the way, staying in contact through the year. At the end of the Guardian Home Family contract, the female dog belongs 100% to the Guardian Family.
All are welcome to send in a Guardian Family Application. Please note we are highly selective and will only approve qualified families to foster our breeding bitches or sires. After reviewing the application, we will set up a telephone interview and conduct a home visit. Our breeding program depends on the quality of care provided by our guardian families. We expect the best home life possible for our dogs.
In return for fostering, The Monarchy is happy to provide loving, responsible families with the opportunity to have a fabulous female or male at minimal cost. Below is a summary of how it works and what’s expected of the Guardian Home family. At the end of this information you will find click-on boxes for the Guardian Family Application.
Guardian Home families must live within an approximate 30-45 mile radius to Monson, MA. Guardian must be willing to deliver dogs to us when needed and/or meet us half-way.
Guardian Family Basic Requirements:
- Guardian Family (GF) receives puppy from The Monarchy designated for the GF program. The Monarchy is responsible for medical/veterinary care (reviewed first by Breeder) for the dog, costs for immunizations, heartworm preventative treatments, flea/tick preventative treatments, rabies immunizations, Lyme vaccinations and any/all other health care issues, associated costs and recordkeeping.
- GF is responsible for potty and other training. GF agrees to return the dog to The Monarchy for 7-10 days during heat cycle for breeding, and then will take her back home.
- GF returns the dog to The Monarchy for delivery of litter and until puppies are weaned, total time about 7-8 weeks.
- At the end of the contract period, The Monarchy will pay for spaying/ neutering. The Monarchy is responsible for all approved and reasonable vet costs, half the cost of food, veterinary treatments and costs during the Guardianship Program. We expect the Guardian to do basic grooming such as daily brushing, clearning ears using ear drops, teeth cleaning to avoid tooth decay, routine nail trimming in between professional groomings, etc.
If at any time the program does not work out for the GF, The Monarchy will take the dog back. If at any time The Monarchy determines the below guidelines/qualifications are not being followed, The Monarchy will take the dog back. Until the end of the contract period, the dog belongs to us! After the end of the contract, the dog is 100% owned by the Guardian Family. At this time, contractual obligations are ended.
Guardian Family Qualifications
- Previous dog experience preferred but not required.
- Must not be away from puppy during the first 12 months. . . with certain limited situations.
- Own and live in a home with fully fenced yard or keep the mother dog on-leash at all times and/or provide a large play yard for the dog, with enough running room.
- Be willing to train the dog basic obedience commands for the dog’s own safety.
- Ensure the puppy is socialized with humans and other animals
- Provide appropriate veterinary or emergency care when needed, approved costs to be paid by The Monarchy.
- Feed the dog a high-end, quality food (including at least a partial raw food diet) as recommended by The Monarchy
- Be able to identify onset of heat cycle and notify breeder; we will help with this.
- Must not allow female in heat near intact males
- Communicate, cooperate and coordinate with the breeder regarding breeding, whelping and all aspects of dog care.
Contact Information
Please fill in the following information and someone will contact you for an interview. Please repeat your name, address and phone # in the bottom ‘message’ field. The family Guardian Contract will be sent to you upon acceptance into the Program. Thank you.
Foster a Dog
Foster a Dog: The Monarchy is located in Holland, Massachusetts, a rural community in Western Massachusetts. For fifteen years we have also been a breeder of monarch butterflies for release, at special events and ceremonies, hence, the name The Monarchy. Our new and exciting endeavor is to breed specialty crossbreed dogs with hybrid vigor—Monarchy Cavachons.

Foster a Dog
Foster a Dog: Each puppy is a unique treasure. We provide high standards of care, safety and comfort with no corners cut. We follow a vigorous state of the art vaccination and deworming program. Our puppies can be expected to retain their good health and vitality as they mature into adult dogs.